Nairobi Hope Project

WorldServe has long recognized that women and girls in developing countries are often disproportionately affected by community water crises. An untold number of girls are also at a significant educational disadvantage, as it is nearly impossible to attend school during their menstrual cycles. Inadequate hygiene products can cause them and their teachers to miss up to five days of school per month. More than falling behind, many students have also experienced human trafficking, depression, and suicide as a result.

GOAL: $5,000 

  • EQUIP girls in 10 Nairobi schools with a 1 year supply of biodegradable feminine-hygiene products and quality undergarments
  • EDUCATE girls about their God-given identity and perfectly-designed body, as well as the Gospel message
  • EMPLOY 15 women to earn a fair wage by working to produce these sanitary products